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Why is art important to people?

art seems to influence many peoples lives. why is that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For me, it's a wonderful outlet. It's the only time in which I feel perfect calm. I am able to be quiet and think. It's stress relieving.

It's an expression of the soul...........the personality.

Some create music for the ears.............Artist create music for the eyes.

There is absolutely NOTHING I would rather do than create beautiful art.

If I could figure out how to do nothing but that all day, I would.

Think about this as well. The artist's creation can be a million different things to a million different people. It's subject to the interpretation of each person.

Thank God, we all aren't touched or moved by the same things. Then there would only be one song, one painting in a museum, one book in a library, etc.....

Had another thought about your question. Isn't it interesting that really from the beginning of time there has always been art/artiss? Just look at what we discover from Archaeology....mosaics, drawings, paintings, cave wall drawings that are in color, amazing architecture that didn't have to be anything but a boxy building.

Incidentally, I think everyone is an artist in their own special way. Most everyone is some way brings beauty to this world in one form or another.

I think humans have a desire - known and unknown - to be creative and create beauty.