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Poem: Laces (please let me know what you think)?

This is a first draft of a poem I wrote a couple years back, and just came across again. Please let me know your thoughts.


At seven, I tied my shoes for the first time.
Other kids had long since mastered
I was the last one. The very last one.
I thought it would never happen
when I could make the knot first,
and then the bow.

It was hard to learn
when your shoes had no laces,
braces fastened above the knees,
worn even while sleeping.

So, at seven, I learned to tie my shoes,
and jump
play kickball
knot than bow
knot than bow
Sometimes, I tied them just for fun.

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6 days ago
Thanks Cinnamon for catching that. That's what I get for copying late at night.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 days ago
Thanks Cinnamon for catching that. That's what I get for copying late at night.