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Who killed JFK???

i just want a straight up answer. who killed him, and where is the evidence?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Jimmy "the Weisel" Frattiano claimed that Giancana (the then Boss of Bosses out of Chicago) gave the go ahead for Marcello (of New Orleans) to carry out the assassination. It involved Castro (who had a grudge after finding out the CIA was behind the Bay of Pigs Invastion) so he got a patsy (Oswald) from the Russians to carry-out the deed. Marcello's beef was a result of RFK's investigations into organized crime. To cover the link to the Mafia, Marcello had Jack Ruby (a two bit night club owner in the Marcello organization) take out Oswald to seal his lips.

Giancana's beef with JFK was his impression that JFK renigged on promises to leave the Mafia alone since he felt he pulled strings in Chicago to get him elected.

Several weeks before the assassination, Oswald met with Cuban agents in Mexico. For inexplicable reasons, the FBI agents who were following up the Cuban connection as a part of the Warren Commission investigation, were recalled