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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If your so morally pure then what gives you the right to put other people down?


If your so morally pure then what gives you the right to put other people down?

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6 days ago
"It's called "the moral high ground". If you tell the truth it is your duty to denounce the liar. If you don't steal it is your duty to denounce the thief. If you don't cheat on your lover or spouse it is your duty to dissaprove of the cheater. Is there really something WRONG with THAT? The world is better off with those who don't lie, steal and cheat. It's best to point that out and feel good about it. Any questions?:... "

Your missing it badly moral high ground is putting down a behavior not a person when you put down any other human being spitefully hurt them or use them or mistreat them for any reason you are just as bad as any of the things you have mentioned. Any questions about that? So when you call of ho ho then think blow blow and know that is what you are a blow hard that thinks you are better then another when your not

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 days ago
"It's called "the moral high ground". If you tell the truth it is your duty to denounce the liar. If you don't steal it is your duty to denounce the thief. If you don't cheat on your lover or spouse it is your duty to dissaprove of the cheater. Is there really something WRONG with THAT? The world is better off with those who don't lie, steal and cheat. It's best to point that out and feel good about it. Any questions?:... "

Your missing it badly moral high ground is putting down a behavior not a person when you put down any other human being spitefully hurt them or use them or mistreat them for any reason you are just as bad as any of the things you have mentioned. Any questions about that? So when you call of ho ho then think blow blow and know that is what you are a blow hard that thinks you are better then another when your not