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Art or War, which is the more profound effect on history?

Do artists truely influence behavior? Does war serve any purpose but to kill the enemy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: war is a blunt instrument and as such, even though it was with us forever and wlll be, will not influence the outcome of our destiny significantly (having said that, we now play with with really dangerous weapons which may make us extinct). Why ? because you can easily kill human beings, but ideas and ideals they hold can not be killed. War was always 'diplomacy by other means' and as such have not made a difference other than the millions of lives lost, sacrificed on the altar of our arrogance and ignorance. There is an old saying: the dogs bark but the caravan goes on its way...

Art influences human beings at a much deeper level and speaks directly to the soul.
War destroys, kills, rapes, and dehumanizes, breeds fear and hate and is born of our darkest side...
Art is the song our soul sings and it creates, rather than bringing death... it is a truly universal language which speaks directly to our souls... it is born of the light...

Please read the Art of War by Lao Tzu