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What's a good skit for the flute section at band camp?

At band camp every year, every section must put on a skit, and I believe they are supposed to be about five minutes long. Every section usually performs a humorous play, but last year our section (the flutes) pretty much fell on our butts with ours, compared to the others. This year I want us to do a lot better, but I need some ideas. The skits are allowed to mock the other sections and our director as well, and usually that gets the most laughs at all. We won't have a lot of props to work with, but only what we can find laying around, and that's it. So if anyone has any ideas for this, that'd be awesome! Maybe we should even go for a serious drama just to counteract everyone else's skits...Any ideas are welcome!

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6 days ago
Forgot to mention, we have nine flautists and I think we are allowed to include our one instructor, but it isn't necessary.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 days ago
Forgot to mention, we have nine flautists and I think we are allowed to include our one instructor, but it isn't necessary.