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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Where do I find family information from the 17th century Varmland Sweden?


Where do I find family information from the 17th century Varmland Sweden?

Family name: Asp - first ancestor with surname Anders Olson Asp born December 15 1790 in Gr㤳mark Parish, V㤲mland, Sweden. Attempting to find - maps of era, history of location in question, why the name change. Father of Anders is said to be Olaf Mattson but never verified. Currently focused on an area NW of Grasmark (Uddheden).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A couple of serious resources for Swedish genealogy research are:

The last link is to a university in Chicago founded by Swedish immigrants and owned by the Swedish Covenant/Evangelical Covenant Church. They have a large collection of records that you'll never find online. In addition, they have students from here going to Sweden who are happy to do research, and students from Sweden who come here and help with research. I have been able to hire students through the university for $10/hour to pull records for me from various archives, town halls and libraries in Sweden. If you have the name of the town and the parish, I'm very sure they can help you find your roots quickly and inexpensively. BTW...unlike most international student researchers, these are fluent in both English and Sweden and they'll translate for you usually for free.