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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Does anyone know where I can buy an acrylic paint set for art a level for cheap


Does anyone know where I can buy an acrylic paint set for art a level for cheap in the UK?

I'm looking for a site, or shops maybe in UK. I really need them because I'm starting A level Art soon and on the induction day was given a homework to do a portrait of myself, and I want to use acrilyc paints because I'm only good with using them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: try a shop called the works they sell a lot of cheap paint and i recomend you buy a tube of gesso it saves you a buying lot of white paint which always runs out first. that will save you more money in the long run. dont buy the tubs always go for the tubes (as soon as you put a dirty brush in a tub youve spoilt the colour). finally dont buy their brushes they are rubbish. the best value brushes arn't at the art shop they are at the DIY shop. I always buy harris brushes because the hairs never come out and spoil your painting