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How important is age in romance novels?

It seems that all the romance novels I read involve an 18-25 year old woman, and a 30+ year old man. Would you read a romance novel if the ages were reversed?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In romance novels set in an older period like the 19th century and before, it would have been common for the male lover to be older, because in real life the husbands-to-be were older as well. It was the accepted norm for men to continue to be eligle bachelors even when they were older (as long as they had money!). Women though were considered old maids if they didn't get hitched before their 20's. That sort of stigma has sort of continued today but it's getting more relaxed and tolerant to be an older women with a career who wants to get married later.

I would totally read a romance novel where it was the reverse situation! Have you read Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series? Claire is married to a Jamie who is several years younger than her, but because they love and understand each other at a mature level, the relationship lasts.