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Meaning of 'LOVE' is : L= lake of sorrow, O= ocean of tears, V= valley of dreams, E= end of life. is it true

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Love... This question about love reminds me of an essay I had to write, not long ago, about a world without men. I said, in my composition, that a world without men would be equal to a world without love and, even though 2/3 of the time you're in love with someone you suffer, there's always the 1/3 of the time that you get to spend with the chosen one... and that means true happiness. The explanation you gave to this word may be somehow true... l=lake of sorrow, o=ocean of tears< these only apply to unhappy love stories or in the case of love-losses. I totally agree with v=valley of dreams. When we are in love, we build these impossible dreams and fantasies in our own minds; sometimes, these dreams come true, but sometimes they don't(maybe that's why you can call love bitter-sweet). E=end of life... not quite; so, when the love ends, life ends... but there's always another chance for love, isn't it? I would prefer E=every dream comes true and they live happily ever after... How about that?
By the way, I'll post here my idea of what LOVE means:
l=loneliness ends;
o=one smile blossoming in two hearts;
v=very happy when the one I love is around;
e=everlasting happiness