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'Almost a Sonnet (My Love is Murder, My Love is Hate)' - opinions pls?

Two loves you have, one known and one known not yet -
One standing in the sunlight, showing herself,
The other not removing her veil before you;
One you tried so hard to get,
One, so hard she tried to get to you herself;
My love is murder, my love is hate:
I will rewrite your lover's fate
I'm your dark loving angel from hell;
The dark angel hiding behind her veil
Would like to have your daylight love removed from the tale -
I'll ignore you myself, for you to see fow it is,
For you to understand my killer's disease.

Claiming you know it all so well,
Don't you know love sometimes slips into hell?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: wow i love it...i can kind of relate to it because love can turn into pure hell...