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Quo vadis is a great book!whoever read it, share your opinions with me?

i especially liked petronius, he is a great character

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I read it over a decade ago, but remember I absolutely loved it. I was particularly impressed by the long descriptions of the martyrdom of Christians. It felt as if I were more than a mere onlooker, but suffered with them.
I must say my favourite character was Nero. The way he fights the decadence of the falling Roman Empire is absolutely fascinating.

Now that you mention it, I think I will go back to it, over 10 years later, because it is one of the few books that made a durable impression on me! I often think about it, and some recurrent images from the book have always stayed with me!

If you like books about the Roman Empire, maybe you should try Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar!