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Are there any proven reliable psychics out there?

I know that most advertised psychics are just con-artists trying to make a buck. Is there anybody who has had a positive experience with a psychic? If so, how can I contact them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is not a single "proven" or "reliable" phychic in the world that is recognized by any scientific organizations. The truth is that not most, but ALL who claim to be psychic are either lying or mistaken.

However, this does not mean that some of the methods used by these "psychics" cannot be useful. There are people who use cold-reading, and other similar psychic tricks who are up-front about what they are doing. It can be viewed as a sort of alternative psychotherapy.

Unfortunately I cannot link you up with any at this time, but if I were you, I would look for someone who admits up-front that nothing they are doing is supernatural, because these would be the individuals who are the most professional and intelligent, honest and fair.

~Nunayer Beezwax