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Can one write an interesting novel using very plain english? Please read this and tell me what you think.?

Most of the novels I have read use very poetic english, with an artistic use of words that I just havent mastered, do you think it's possible to write a good novel using plain english? Please read this and tell me what you think


??Snakes!?? the toothless old man shouted and then spat to the ground ??Snakes, spiders, scorpions, sand crabs! Those and many more bugs that you Eastern folks have never heard of, let alone seen, await you across those sands. You will find that the deserts of Azul are no more hospitable than those men you slew. One bite and you are a rotting corpse in the sands of Azul!??

??Those men deserved their deaths and more.?? Jon spoke in what he hoped was a calm voice. The ropes tying his hands together were starting to hurt however he did not wish to show any signs of weakness to the old man.

??I am sure you feel they deserved their painful demise but you do understand the same blood that flowed in those men??s veins is the same blood that flows in mine, the same blood you spilled. It is only natural that I should feel some resentment towards you. Why, if I didn??t have a good business sense I would have killed you myself, the very night I learnt of their deaths.??

??But then again what??s spilled blood when you can replenish it in gold??? Jon said with a smirk on his face, the old man??s greed astonished him yet he was thankful for it, it was the only thing keeping him alive, the only thing keeping his hopes alive.

Zabron looked annoyed at the statement and chose to ignore it. ??You can take your slave Phoymas! Just give me my pay before I??m driven to kill your man!??

??Zabron my friend, anger won??t do, he is only taunting you because he knows he is as trapped as a rat.?? The bearded Phoymas pulled a heavy purse from his tattered coat and threw it to the old man, ??besides, he is going to suffer a lot more than your brothers did before the time of his death comes, that I can promise you.??

Zabron eagerly opened the fat pouch that was thrown to him, looking into it in glee. Jon was confused to see the smile fade from the old man??s face replaced by a look of anger.

??Phoymas!?? Zabron shouted, dropping the pouch to the sand and reaching for the hilt of his sword. But before he could withdraw his weapon he found himself chocking in his own blood as Phoymas had driven his own curved blade into the old man??s throat.

??Indeed, I can also promise you that your death will be quick Zabron, greedy pig!?? with that Phoymas pulled back the sword to make a clean slash, separating the head from the body, painting the yellow sand red with Zabron??s blood.

Jon noticed the pouch on the ground, it was filled with stones.

??Now slave, I guess it??s just you and me.?? Phoymas replaced the bloody blade into its scabbard.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: language is only one part to making a good book. Story, characters, settings.... many other things all make a difference too.

You can use "plain" english if you use other things to make it interesting. Though it's tricky. It's all about what will hold a readers interest.

For example, from my manuscript.

"She wanted to curse and throw her book across the room. How could she be so stupid. Details details details. Her english teacher was always asking her to expand her thoughts for her short stories and now, when it really counted she had let herself down."


"She read through her book and found it was simply written. She was mad at herself for not following her english teacher's advice."

Now, I'm not the best at flowerly poetic scentences, but which one holds your attention.

BTW, I didn't really read through your story. Because I am writing my own, I am staying away from unpublished manuscripts to avoide the posibility of unintentionally picking up one of your story points.... I can't afford lawsuits.