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What can you tell me about self publishing?

I'm writing a book. A fiction novel. I'd like to get it published. I have no idea how to go about doing this. I've read some things about self-publishing my work. What are the pros/cons of this method, in your opinion?

What are your thoughts regarding using a publishing company vs. self-publishing?

Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: self publishing is often called vanity publishing. Mostly you are paying to have your name on the book. It wont count towards a publishing credit if you were ever to want to have your future books printed by a publishing company.

Other cons to self publishing - Lack of marketing. If you self publish, YOU and you alone are responsible for getting your book onto bookshelves and getting the word out to make it sell. Not a bad thing if you want to work your butt off... but think about how large the country is.

A publishing company has the ability to get your book onto shelves from coast to coast and you might also be lucky and get a little bit of publicity (if they are really excited about your book). You'll still have to work your tush off getting the word out on your book..... but at least you know it'll be there if people want to buy it.

I work in a bookstore and we have several books "on consignment" from local authors who self publish. ONE out of the 10 or so we have is a hit, and that's because the author took a year off their regular top and did book tours and school talks and radio/tv shows (it's a children's book)

Self Publishing, though easy, is easy for a reason. Take the hard way and get it published by a company. It'll be worth the work.