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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Any critical appreciation about the book Eragon,any comments about the book.?


Any critical appreciation about the book Eragon,any comments about the book.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really enjoyed the story, despite the very archetypal characters and situations. The relationship between Saphira and Eragon is touching, and the history is well-thought-out.

It is a bit on the immature side, in terms of originality. A boy who grows up with a foster family, who becomes extra-special despite his own perceived mediocrity, who has a mentor to help him along the way (until the mentor dies, of course), and who must eventually confront his past and discover the real story about the parents he didn't grow up with... That's Star Wars, Harry Potter, Eragon and basically every superhero saga.

But, it's still a fun story, and the physics behind the magic is believable and more satisfying than the haphazard magic of Harry Potter (coming from a huge HP fan... who really needs to turn hedgehogs into pincushions?)

I'm excited about the third one - hopefully it will become more original than the first two books. :)