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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What is your happy colour, sad colour, outrageous colour, and favourite colour?


What is your happy colour, sad colour, outrageous colour, and favourite colour?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My happy colour would have to be pink because I can imagine these chirpy little fairies sitting at the end of the garden..& pink is the colour commonly associated with fairies!

My sad colour would have to be grey, predictable - I know..But its the truth! When the clouds are grey, and the heavens are about to open...Most people feel down and unenthusastic!

Yellow to me is the colour to symbolise "outrageous" because I see it as a very "In your face" daring colour....Something that makes an impression & which draws a lot of attention..

My favourite colour, much to the annoyance of some..Is PINK. Its just such a sweet, friendly, innocent colour..& reminds me of flowers and summer!

Thank You
Lovely Question!