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Could Jesus do a backflip?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Of course!!

It's a little known fact that while Jesus was in college he was on the gymnastics team. He placed 3rd in regionals, but was moved to 1st when the two men who placed above him suddenly were struck with plagues.... He then went on to the national competition where he was going to perform an unheard of (and very difficult) routine: he was going to do it all on water. He was doing really well until about halfway through his routine, he was just about to do a Front Pike Somersault and co competeitor, Moses (who was very jealous of Jesus' abilities) suddenly made the water part, and Jesus fell nearly 30 ft. to the bottom of the water arena and dislocated his hip. Unfortunately, Jesus was unable to compete ever again. He had to walk with a staff for the rest of his life. Moses was disqualified from the competition and the gold medal went to an Egyptian. Jesus was forced to give up his dream of being an Olympic gymnast, and went with his secondary career option, Martyr.

But I still remember Jesus as the Back Handspring king of Jerusalem....