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Writers block????

what is a cure for writer's block?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The secret to getting rid of your writer??s block is to keep a journal.

I started a journal. I forced myself to write, even though I was stumped. Most people have a hard time just starting off with the first sentence. Well with a journal you can just write the first thing that comes to your mind. Write a quick sentence on what your day has been like or who you??ve talked to. I??m sure that you??ll find after the first sentence you should be able to write a good journal entry. Also, the pressure of someone else reading it isn??t there, it??s totally for you. The whole point of the journal is to be able to write without anyone reading it. It??s there only for you and you have total control. I find that after writing a paragraph or two in my journal, lots of ideas come to my mind and boom! I no longer have writer??s block. Like I said, it??s simple. You just write a few words about your day and you??ll find yourself in the mood to continue. This should work for most people, but not for everyone.