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What is Life? Why are we living? What one must do to the world as its living member?

What is Life? Why are we living? What one must do to the world as its living member? What is our duties to this world?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Life is a chance miracle of God, otherwise this body is sessile. for each of us its one possiblity of infinite impossiblities (he could have send someother than you). See, we think we have brins, capacity to analyse and so we consider ourselves in higher in the hieracrhy of living ceatures in this planet but we still don't know, where this universe ends. And moreover we cannot suppose an end to anyhting, as its but natural that somethiing is if nothing is outside this universe. So it makes a belief for me that either we have been imprisoned in this earth, given a chance to realize him, and do well to prove to him what he wishes to do via us. You see, WE and The God don't have much difference, that He knows the extent of beyond what we can only imagine, we have been restricted to go out, and still if we go we cannot know what is where. because something has to be there, and whatever is there lets say, then what shall be beyond that. We cannot even concentrate, sometimes i get so much horrified that, what we are doing. We have been payiing so much attention to what we know, fooling ourselves and would pass away generations after generation. still grow on earth and die (may be ther the gates of the prison open). May be the saying heaven and hell is true. may be this may be that.... There is no surity for tomorrow..... No one can ever reveal the truth, and if he develops that potential (not talking of the gurus, and dhongis pandits, but in real sense) he would not be able to tell, because if he tells he wud be considered a fool, talking what we usually dont talk.
We are living to spend an hour (say in Gods court if this life is an hour) to experience an Oasis. May be we are particulate lives from God. But I think he never assigns duties, he is there in us, just playing or doing what he has to do, to murder someone, to make someone happy, to cry, to laugh, to do unanimate things.Can you believe, we are multicellular (1000 billions of cells, growiing dying continuously) and still each and every cell performs its function in such a great, (more than great we could ever calculate) coordination, to bring life to single body , WE. Cud youu believe that all the living forms, the food chains, and several infinite number of phenomena occur without any irregulaities in this worl. We just take some hours to think of a single computer program and how it would form a nestedloop to work the application as a whole. What about the program fiited by him in us. What programming language. I mean its hard to find these answers.
But as far as we know we are a living member atleast we can try realizing that is god in every living member and we shud atleast try not mess with their feelings, make em all happy with our trials, works, etc. whatever else is HE would take care..