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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Tell me of yourself? Tell me of your own sights upon the world?


Tell me of yourself? Tell me of your own sights upon the world?

i think witten does not get it.
I'd tell you now, but there isn't enough room for these words. I would like to know what you see and how you see mankind wrapped up in itself. Poeticly speaking. Tell me something of your own world, how you've always know it to be, as it was, as it is to be. I'm trying to learn of people. to be honest, i was not raised around them to understand them. i was raised, isolated. I want to know what makes your day? What's beautiful to you?
Know now, that i won't judge you, all of what is written from your internal monolouge, i will enjoy to read, understand....a possibility to say that i've known you in this time.
Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I like the openness and sincerity of your question. Your invitation to share is warming. In my brief observation, you have already found much of what is essential for a fulfilling existence. Listen deeply, trust, then follow your heart.