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When the world ends, will you be happy?

This is just a phase everyone.
I feel better when watching films on the end of the world, you know some natural disaster, hand of God, aliens,monsters, robuts and meteors.
I'll tell you why. I have hope, that when the world does end, people will fight together as it once was and not tearing at eachother like wild animals. I patiently wait for the day of days to come, for the sky break open again, for people to put aside their petty and mundane differences.
It's coming soon anyway. I can't describe my feelings or my terrible dreams and memories. I know that if i tell you anymore, i'll be marked as "crazy". It is not a belief of religion, it is know, it is, just.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You are a sensitive being whose mind is open to much wider possibilities in existence than are normally conceived. The ideas you conceive are in fact heightened interpretations of the world you have, and the world you have capacity to have. The end of the world in your view signifies and deep down yearning for a new start, a new beginning like a new dawn coming out of the dark but secretive womb of a night. You have immense potential to love someone, if someone can stand the intensity in your mind.

May be you are also afraid of dying or of the thought that life is gradually but slowly slipping away, and the end of the world case scenario is for the purpose of seeking a reassurance that it would happen to all one day. Your mind longingly reminisces the old day of the world of chivalry and heroism where people used to fight for good causes, it is very characteristic of you to say, ??I have hope, that when the world does end, people will fight together as it once was and not tearing at each other like wild animals??. But, I think you need to meet with people, however, I am not sure if the people in a materialistic world could appreciate your inner goodness that could be so differently in place.

I realise that this answer to your question is turning into an analysis leading up to an advice from my side, which I very rarely do, but this is because of your own words that you have shared with the people here. I would suggest that you should try attending only to those dreams that you see being realised for the moment now.
I am because I am not what I was.