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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Never asked about my poems before.....?? What do yoy think?


Never asked about my poems before.....?? What do yoy think?

So, I've always written poems, but never asked anyone what they thought, so here it goes. . .

See you under the light
Cold air after midnight
The light hangs low on your face
Your shadow tells no lies
Blue side and edges too
You might walk away
The shadows will shrink
And being to change shape
This light is not pure
Yellow hints in your eyes
See you under the light

Good night.

Here is the second one.

the sea talks to me
you see the air feels
pure and ripe
torn at the edges before
pulled in all directions
last kiss there
new like a baby duck
so fresh and gentle
without care or regrets
hold my hand
we're laughing now.
don't look down.
we're home.

I??m ready to the abuse!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I prefer poetry that uses an economy of words and precise images--so, I was very happy with these. I think the second one was the stronger piece. I think the image of the baby duck was very well done, and the conclusion felt more complete to me.

I liked the first poem but I had some problems with these lines:

"Blue side and edges too" I may be missing something but this was too abstract for me to understand.

"And being to change shape" I had trouble with the word "being" here.

But like I said I really like these--I hope the "abuse" was not too soul destroying.