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Is it not good enough to just genuinely love someone..... why is it necessary to repeatedly say "I love you!"?

Does love suffer from perennial insecurity that it needs verbal reassurance every other day?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do you genuinely love someone? And no, its not necessary to repeat anything, but what is the problem if you do? All these words we use are repeated to use, and we repeat them again.

Not to mention, love doesn't suffer at all. I don't see what all these people are talking about, "love." And you say it too, as if there were something there. So, how can love suffer at all, its not even there to experience, if I may put it that way. Again, not to mention, what would repeating "I love you" do to this love? Every time I hear it, it is in a totally different mood, at a totally different tone, and a totally different thought.