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Is anyone living their own personal Hell?

does anyone ever feel like no matter where you go, what you try to do, change yourself/change the world, never changes?
Like your doomed to live this out and no matter what you try to do to change this course in life, it doesn't. You'll always be known as the "lone wolf" or "loner". Never get the girl, never get the job, never get out of your own head, never make better friends, never get away from all the dark things that make you miserable and lonely. I don't know. I'm just asking. Feel free to do as you please....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A personal hell is a result of how we think about the world. The loner sabotages their attempts in many cases. It is a conflict to be with others and to be alone. Loners tend to think a lot. It's the price anyone pays for excessive thinking.