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Crap my graphic design?

I always loved art and loved graphic design but my 'O' levels are coming (some major examination in secondary education).

Everytime I tried to study, I would think about my art and graphics which made me unable to focus in my studies.

Do you think if I just present a really good resume and portfolio will I get the job with people who are certified?

Thanks for reading

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You must discipline yourself. You can never rank among professionals without being able to do that, no matter how creative you are.

Listen, NEVER would I ask you to forgo your passions. But to be disciplined you must realize that once you become a graphic designer, drawing and designing won't be your only priority. There are other business related aspects that you will need to take care of. So, you need to be mentally astute enough to say, "design time" and "study time" when those times arrive.

In life there are sacrifices you must make. Sometimes, you need to give up (for a time) the very thing you want just so you can have it again, in the future, forever.

Plus, in this fast paced world with so much competition, you want your resum㩠to be impeccable. Be humble enough to realize that you are not the only good designer. So having good training in your field as well as natural talent puts you ahead of competition. Employers don't only look for ability; they look for capability too. Be careful, there's a thin line between the two.
