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How do I get into commercials, tv and/or movies?

I'm going to college again this year and might be taking some acting-related classes. Although, I've heard of people getting into acting just by walking down the sidewalk somewhere and some talent/casting agent notices them. My biggest problem is nervousness aka stage fright. I don't have a lot of it, yet there's enough to hamper my performances. I need more confidence in myself and I just wish there was an easier way to get into it all.
I've also been told that the more you get on stage/camera, the more comfortable you get with it. I've been on camera more than stage and kinda prefer camera. I don't have anything worth uploading to, but I feel like I have talents that are going to waste because I can't seem to figure out how to "get my foot in the door."

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5 days ago
Oh, I really enjoy doing comedy because I tend to make people laugh without even trying. Some of the stuff I've come up with in everyday conversation has had friends and family holding their sides cuz they were laughing so hard. Even online, I'll say stuff in game that 20 or so people will "lol" or "lmao" to.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 days ago
Oh, I really enjoy doing comedy because I tend to make people laugh without even trying. Some of the stuff I've come up with in everyday conversation has had friends and family holding their sides cuz they were laughing so hard. Even online, I'll say stuff in game that 20 or so people will "lol" or "lmao" to.