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Poem 5. Not quite as vicious. Comments???

don't go

Not long ago, but far, far, away,
A snowy winters day.
All her pain, kept bottled up inside,
She could no longer hide.

No pathetic cry for help,
She hung herself.
Life and love could not be saved,
Both went with her to the grave.

A pair of souls now undone,
Where were two, now one.
Divided by the wall of death,
Yes my dear, I'll join you yet.

With my blood, I'll find your love,
You the strength to end your life.
As you did, I shall too,
In death as life, I belong to you.

A crimson pool so warm and deep,
Lulls me to an endless sleep.
Your hand in mine, I will be brave,
Take me from this earth.

An endless night'
this, the end of life.
From the dark,
I feel your lips.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What a finish! Do NOT revise the last verse!

Okay, for the rest of you, a quick hint: pay close attention to the places where this does NOT rhyme. Our Prince knows what he's doing--he could have rhymed if he's wanted to. Ask yourselves why he didn't, and remember: the structure sets the mood and the tone.