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Poem: When Love Becomes a Leash (please let me know what you think?)?

Hey, I just wanted to thank everyone who has given me such helpful feedback both positive and negative on my poems. It helps when you're sitting alone looking at the computer screen wondering, "Does this work?" I know almost everything I've written has been somewhat different (it's more like a compilation album than your favorite band--you may like track 4 and 7, but hate everything else, and that's cool), but Its just that I'm still experimenting. Ok, thanks for the ramble. Here's the poem:

When Love Becomes a Leash

When love becomes a leash
held tight. Wrapped
round taut skin,
pulling, wrapped,
round the throat
bared. Need still
Refusal wrap-
than leather.
Every whim
obeyed. Wrapped round
every mood
As the lovers wrapped
round are themselves
encircled forgetting
in that moment
who holds the leash.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: !wow!
A well penned and well structured piece. The message of it's object is clearly stated in every word & every stanza. Love is a difficult topic to explain but you did a great job explaining it in a metaphoric imagery type of way...especially when using leash to describe it. When you're in love & its falling apart you want to leave but at the same time you don't, you feel like you're on a "leash".... (thats what I got from this piece).... Very unique.

Again, great Job!