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Does anyone know how to get into acting?

there's really nothing where i live because i live in arizona and i can't please help me, it's been my dream ever since i was real young. HELP!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: look into getting experience first, thats probably going to be by joining amateur or community theatre - ask around local arts centres / theatres etc for contacts.

Why not make a short film on a home camcorder with friends, and post on youtube?

Then, start looking for a reputable casting agency, as a general rule most agencies that are reputable do not ask you to pay upfront to join, instead they take a little commission for whatever wages you get from with that they find for you. Google them, then email and ask for more details.

The internet - sites like, etc, have a lot of film auditions, mainly for student and festiavl films which are one way of getting into film. When you go for an audition you find online, always always always take a friend and never ever hand over any money! And dont do any "auditions in private!". There are scams posted sometimes on these sites, but by bearing these rules in mind, you should be ok.