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A silly "poem"...inspired by my trip in Y!A Philosophy section...FEELINGS about it anyone?

Hey YOU (not to be confused with Hey You by Pink Floyd)

With your Phd. in Philosophy
Why must you answer all simple questions
With 3000 word diatribes
Using language to show off
But not caring if others understand?

Are you so enamored with your own words
That you could be in a room of your own
Listening only to yourself?

Looking down at us poor mortals from your ivory towers?
Feeling your own superiority as a cloak against connectivity?
You make my A** hurt

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I unduely am amazingly unswayed by your simplistic prose of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and other parts of speech. Furthermore, while some homo sapiens select the option of merely retaining their opinions, thoughts, and beliefs about us philosphers, the author of this inquiry, being the human I am directing this response to, chose to voice her complaints in an utmost upsetting manner.

I am unamused, madame.
