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On this web, many people who claim to be superior intelligent?

I read with great amusement to the comments of self confessed intelligencer, Bringing news of there intellectual superiority and egoism, condemning other unfortunate single member of classes'; Do they annoy you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We humans are generally a lot stupider than we believe we are. All of us are a lot better equipped to recognize this trait in others than we are to recognize it in ourselves.

Which doesn't translate as exemption, so much as perception.

Amusement's as appropriate a response to recognizing stupidity, or self-percieved intelligence we see otherwise, as any other. Better, in fact, than many of the alternatives.

None of us is qualified to judge how intelligent another person might be from anything we're likely to see here. But we're certainly able to observe how UN-intelligently they present their ideas, premises, biases, opinions, and beliefs.

I choose to find that fairly amusing.