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I want to know a bit about russian nobility?

can u plz tell me about the condition of the nobility in russia in russian revolution.not the definition bbut the condition

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: All titles of nobility were officially abolished in 1918. Former nobles were restricted from joining the Communist Party (which was always THE ticket to a career in, really, anything) or working in teaching professions, as judges or lawyers, and in any positions of authority. Ex-nobles who proved particularly good at brown-nosing the new regime (such as Mikhail Zoschenko, for example), sometimes got a break, but generally speaking, they lived under disabilities.

Most nobles -- and certainly nobles of means -- fled Russia, predominantly to France and Italy, where they lived out the rest of their lives in pretty much the same grand manner they were accustomed to in Russia. Those who stayed got a much tougher deal.