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How hard is it to learn how to play the guitar?

I am a fourteen year old female who was in band and is a singer. I am interested in learning how to play guitar because I think it would be good to be able to sing and play the guitar at the same time. Honestly, how hard is it to learn how to play the guitar if you take one lesson a week on a scale of one to twenty (twenty being really really hard). Honestly please. What are the pros and cons of the guitar. And have you ever tried? Please tell me what you know from experience. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Playing any instrument is not easy, unless it's the triangle. First you have to get your fingers and hand muscles ready, this could take about three months just to get the callouses nessasary to play without pain. I play classical guitar and I also love fingerstyle, and I've put years and years into it. I've taught a lot of kids your age to play and most girls give up too quickly, #1 they don't want to cut their nails on the left hand as short as they need to be, and second they complaine about the pain in their fingers and hand, I try to tell them that in time after you develope those callouses it will get a lot easier, but most quit, I have one girl who is doing quite well, she was amazed how after about six months she could do things that she thought were impossiable in the beginning, she was so cute in the beginning trying to change cords from an F to a G she said that I had to be kidding, that was impossiable, well now she does it with no problem. So if you decide to play get yourself a good teacher and give it a try, in the beginning it will seem imposiable but believe me it get easier with time and patience. If you can't get a teacher go to Sam Ash and get a good method book, tell the clerk what style your interested in and try to get the book with the teaching Cd in the back. As for you scale of one to twenty everyone's different, some think it's a twenty and some think its a ten, when I started I thought it was about fifteen especially the full barr cords.