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Poem *contains profanity* don't comment if you're going to be rude.?

This is a poem I wrote about 2yrs ago based on a true story (movie). It was about a prostitute. I wanted to write about it so I thought why not give it a try. btw, I have nothing against prostitutes...thanks in advance. What do you think?

Hooking (pimp)

Let him promise you another deal
Remove your clothing little w.hore
Continue on as his pimped trash
Take his offers some more

You can't degrade yourself
For you long gone been so
Pick up his cash and fill his pocket
You pathetic d.umb ho

What's fifteen dollars out of twenty?
Stash up another five remains
Swell up his ego you s.lut
Change his life while yours stay the same

Do you own a mirror?
If so what the hell do you see?
Young pretty woman of twenty-five
been hooking since hormones set free

And those scars across your cheek bone
tell a story of your life
For every blow to the face
was a lesson, was a strife

Why cry now Ms. Professional,
aren't you used to this lifestyle?
Dry your eyes like you always do
disguise your pain and play denial

See he doesn't care about you
You're just another safety bank
He won't bring you to the doctor's
when changes begin to sink

Leave this life dirty bag
Make a new name for yourself
Don't ever be a property
for a man to make his wealth

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5 days ago
lol... Uncle John, i did that on intentionally because i thought it would show up as stars (ex: ***) guess not.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 days ago
lol... Uncle John, i did that on intentionally because i thought it would show up as stars (ex: ***) guess not.