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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Why is the media so powerful in conditioning public opinion ?


Why is the media so powerful in conditioning public opinion ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's simple entertainment to keep the simple sheep in line and their minds off more important social matters. The Romans built the coliseum to keep the masses entertained so the powerful rich could keep the public power. It's no different in this age, only the face of the entertainer has changed......instead of a coliseum it's a stadium or the pitch....instead of public debates on public issues it's debates on worthless gossip items like "Paris Hilton" the lawbreaker who wants to get away with things....just like a spoiled child. Come on people, wake're being used. Break the habit of following the direction of the bell at feeding time........your mind is yours and it's time you reclaimed ownership.......Ding Dong......go to another trough...