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Snape: Good or Bad?

Even though he killed Dumbledore, do you think Snape is bad, or do you think that he's good? I think he's bad but may have some good to him. I'm not really sure though.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I say he is good and evil in both ways, each for a different purpose, but both for himself.

He is good, because he could have left Harry die or kill Harry various times throught the books. He helped Dumbledore after destroying the ring. Snape could have accidently messed up the charm to help Dumbledore. Snape could have made things worst for Lupin in book three.

He is bad, because he never gave Harry a break! Also, in book six, when he is about to kill Dumbledore, he had a face that showed "hate" beyond any that he had ever had. He didn't say anything, but the incantation to kill Dumbledore. I believe that he is working for himself, but letting Harry and the rest believe that is Voldermort who is the bad guy. Let the bad and good guys kill themselves and then he can take over. Also, book three was mostly about Sirius and book six is mostly about Snape. In both books, Voldermort was absent from the action, he was only mentioned. In both books Snape showed traces of wanting to kill and having killed before. Of course in book six, we actually see him killing. Could it be possible that Snape also has a horcrux? Think about it, he claims that he and the Dark Lord have many things in common, whick in book six we find out that he does.

I can't wait for book seven. I think Snape will die, but his dead will be considered a sacrifice because before he dies, he does things to make himself look like a good guy.

Well, those are my thoughts.