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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> The purpose of man's human spirit in the whole scheme of things.?


The purpose of man's human spirit in the whole scheme of things.?

Man's spirit is the deepest part of him. It is his spirit which becomes regenerated with God's life and able to truly relate to God and contain God. What is the purpose of man's spirit being regenerated.. is there more to this picture? How is the process of transformation linked to our regenerated spirit.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The spirit in man is what enables him to think. It's what set him apart from the animal kingdom. Animal act by instinct but humans were created in the image of God. Gen. 1:26 I think? Humans are just flesh & blood but God is creating children for His Family. In order to do this Gods Spirit must unite with our human spirit. We then have the mind of God so we can see things as God does. But this only is true if we obey God & keep His commandments & His Statutes & His Laws. For God won't give His Spirit to those who won't obey Him! This is a process of growing in spiritual knowledge & grace. Just like a baby grows in a mother until it's born. A christian grows also until it's born again at the resurrection. If the food supply is cut off from the human baby then it will die if the food supply is not restarted soon. This is also true of a christian who must eat of Gods Word (the bible) & live by it. This is how a true christian grows in Gods Spirit. This is a quick explanation but it goes much deeper than this.