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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you think harry potter will die in the 7th book yes or no???


Do you think harry potter will die in the 7th book yes or no???

answer as many of the following as you want to... and say y u think so

1. hp will he die
2. severus snape- good or evil
3. ginny with hp
4. hermione and ron get married
5. dumbledore come back to life
6. fav quote from the books
7. malfoy die
8. any other characters die???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 - Possibly because JK Rowling said that she was never tempted to kill him before the seventh book but I think he'll pull through.
2 - Evil!
3 - Yes, if he lives then he has to end up with someone and it's not going to be Cho
4 - Not married but there will be additional romantic interest. Possibly an engagement but I don't think that the actual marriage will be in it.
5 - No (his portrait's on the wall), but I think Sirius will come back.
a. While they were dueling the last spell his cousin sent at him was red (most likely stupify)
b. It does not say that he was hit with the killing curse.
c. There's a lot of unknown about the curtain so I think it's possible.
6 - Book #1 School Song "Our heads could do with filling, with some interesting stuff, cause now they're bare and full of air, dead flies and bits of fluff!"
7 - No, I think he'll live and switch sides.
8 - Yes but no more major characters (hopefully).